Benefits of Cleaning Wind Turbine Blades
Dirty and worn blades are one of the two main causes of turbine performance loss. According to data from the World Wind Energy Association, after cleaning the blades, the turbine will increase in efficiency from 3% to 5% depending on the previous turbine cleaning. Wind turbine blade cleaning is often combined with wind turbine inspection to accurately assess the damage and then provide an appropriate repair plan, especially in a harsh weather area like Vietnam.
Currently with Vietnam’s electricity price of 2,333 VND/kWh, for Vestas 2.0 MW Turbine. The cost of wind turbine cleaning will be covered within 6-8 months after cleaning with a minimum increase of 3% in efficiency. --> So the customer will earn a net profit of 18 months, equivalent to USD 450,000. To optimize costs, customers often use the wind turbine cleaning service that comes with inspection and photography services, evaluate the damaged status of the wind turbine so that the repair plan can be given, if any.